Monday, March 28, 2011

Fashion Roadkill

So Saturday marks the official jump-off of the first EVER Nashville Fashion Week!! And lucky for this blogger, my boyfriend is an EXTREMELY sexy and talented model so I get to attend (the days he models only! lol) for free! GO ME! Next year, hopefully I'll be interning for somewhere fabulous so I'll have a press pass so I can get in on all the juicy backstage happenings!

This is what I wore to my bfs' Modeling Agencies Fashion Week launch party at the Terrazo Downtown. Its a beautiful luxury apartment building with the BEST view (that CLEARLY isnt it behind me! lol)

I wore a Hollister brown leather jacket, Target green tank and polka dot tights, J-Crrew belt (that I wear obsessively) Jessica Simpson Platforms, and Forever 21 basic black skirt (with fringe added by my bf from Hobby Lobby! He's so much more creative than me!)

Love these Jessica's! They look so much like the Jeffrey Campbell platforms except about $100 cheaper!
Cool action shot of my skirt to leave you guys with! And I will have another post this weekend after all the festivities commence! I'm so excited! I'll also attempt to make a video of some of the shows! Have a great week everyone! :)